Engineering, Procurement & Construction

Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC)

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) firms spearhead complex technical projects that require specific power solutions. Prolec is a one-stop shop for all your power needs, delivering a full breadth of products and services. Whether the project involves power generation, transmission or distribution, our extensive portfolio caters to the specific demands of EPC firms to provide reliable and efficient power solutions to projects across the Americas.  

With a focus on delivering not only products but comprehensive solutions, Prolec empowers EPC firms to navigate the complexities of power systems with confidence, knowing they have a reliable partner dedicated to their success.

Prolec’s EPC solutions deliver:

  1. Technical expertise. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of transformer technology enables EPCs to integrate state-of-the-art solutions into their projects.
  2. Customization. We collaborate closely with EPCs, leveraging our knowledge and experience to provide tailored transformer solutions that meet the project’s specifications. This collaborative approach enables EPCs to optimize their designs, enhance project efficiency, and ensure the seamless integration of power infrastructure.
  3. Complete portfolio. We offer everything you need to specify and provide products for your power projects. We invest heavily in research and development to continuously improve product quality and cycle times to offer high-quality products and services at a competitive cost. 

Contact us to discover products for the EPC market: